When you suffer from high blood pressure, and you don’t care about regular follow-up, this may be an indication about dangerous cases such as: stroke and heart diseases.

The first line of defense for high blood pressure is the healthy dietary lifestyle, so this list of healthy drinks will help you lower the high pressure.
7 drinks lower blood pressure:
- Tomato juice:
Studies show that tomato juice helps in lowering systolic and diastolic blood pressure, prevention from heart diseases. This drink is effective for the 1st stage of hypertension and pregnant women who are struggling from high blood pressure during their pregnancy period.
- Plum juice:
Eating between 3-6 fruits of plum is effective for hypertension. If it is difficult for you to eat this number of plums daily, you can drink a cup of plum juice instead.
- Pomegranate juice helps to lower blood pressure
Pomegranate is rich in many nutritional elements such as: folate, vitamin c and anti-inflammatory agents rather than its perfect taste, but it is preferred to prepare it without adding sugar.
Some studies show the effect of pomegranate juice in preventing heart diseases and lowering systolic and diastolic blood pressure. To have the best results in lowering systolic blood pressure, you should drink ¼ litre of pomegranate juice daily.
- Beet juice helps to lower blood pressure
Making a tasty juice from cooked or raw beet is very important for hypertension cases, but the best choice is raw beet juice.
Beets are high in nitrate compounds which are effective in the high blood pressure cases, even studies have shown that beets are more preferable than nitrate compounds only.
Hibiscus Tea helps to lower blood pressure
Hibiscus tea, made from the dried petals of the hibiscus plant, is renowned for its potential to lower blood pressure. Several studies have suggested that drinking hibiscus tea regularly may lead to significant reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This effect is attributed to the presence of anthocyanins and other antioxidants in hibiscus tea that help relax blood vessels.
Green Tea
Green tea is celebrated for its numerous health benefits, including its potential to lower blood pressure. It contains catechins, which are antioxidants that help dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation, thus contributing to blood pressure control.
How to prepare beet juice:
- Medium sized peeled and chopped beet.
- Cored apple.
- ½ squeezed lemon.
How to prepare:
- Put the previous components in the fruit juicer and then serve immediately, or put those components in the blinder with a cup of water then mix well and serve.
- Berry juice:
This juice contains antioxidants. It has a great effect on systolic blood pressure, but studies haven’t proved its effect on heart diseases.
- Skimmed milk:
The Ministry of Health recommended drinking skimmed milk for hypertensive patients. You can add skimmed milk to your drinks such as: coffee.
- Tea and roselle:
Roselle is considered the best drink for hypertension and its impact on treatment is close to captopril.
Studies have also proved the effectiveness of green and red tea on high blood pressure.
Water impact on hypertension:
There is a direct relationship between hypertension and dehydration.
Hypertension can be treated by water if it is caused due to dehydration by drinking between 6-8 cups of water daily.
How can dehydration cause hypertension?
- Dehydration increases blood viscosity and difficulty of pushing blood through blood vessels then this leads to hypertension.
- Dehydration affects renin release from both kidneys and this causes retention of sodium and water in the body.
- Dehydration has an impact on the brain and this affects the release of vasopressin hormone. The high release of this hormone causes contraction of blood vessels and hypertension.